Burlington Branch Library

Project Details

Knoxville, Tennessee


Knox County, TN


Renovation/Restoration, Civic



Team Members



2007 AIA East TN Honor Award, 2008 Knoxville-Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission Excellence Award

Among the numerous challenges posed by the complex program and tight budget was the desire to have after-hours accessibility for civic functions as well as a need to address the negative reaction of some community leaders to the idea of reusing this uninspiring structure instead of constructing an entirely new building.

The existing building, a “throw away” Walgreens facility, was transformed into the highest patronized library in the Knox county system.

The Burlington Branch Library in East Knoxville represented for a peer-review jury of the project a true commitment to design. As an urban renewal gesture, it brings a sense of respect to the community in an area where this is generally lacking. The jury was immediately struck by the complete transformation of this strip building.

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