Lauderdale County is home to a world-class natural gem known as the bluff-bottoms. The area, one of the only remaining bluff- bottoms environments along the entire Mississippi River, possesses a wide range of natural amenities, historic sites, and opportunities for recreational activity. Known to locals but until now hidden from the world, the bluff system of Lauderdale County has a wealth of untapped ecotourism potential.

Ecotourism already exists in Lauderdale County — as evidenced by visitors who are familiar with and engage natural spaces in Lauderdale County. Still, there is opportunity to further utilize the resources and amenities present to expand and formalize ecotourism as an industry to create substantial economic impact for Lauderdale County.
A2H partnered with the county to compile a guide to help determine the most impactful site improvements to maximize interest and draw tourists to the area. Existing amenities were described, development opportunities were recommended, and design standards were included to ensure that
improvements in the area remain consistently high quality and aligned.
A2H’s project team also helped lead a work session and roundtable, which involved a diverse group of key stakeholders and community leaders, to solidify the framework plan and aid the county in obtaining funding for implementation.
A2H facilitated extensive public engagement with a variety of stakeholders, including WTRA, Lauderdale County, local residents, Fort Pillow State Park, Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation, and the Mississippi River Corridor.