First Look: Dresden Municipal Complex
First Look: Dresden Municipal Complex

A2H’s architects and engineers have recently completed the planning and design of the new Municipal Complex for the City of Dresden, Tennessee. After widespread damage across the city from a EF-3 tornado on December 10, 2021, A2H was brought in to help assess the damage and determine next steps for multiple city facilities.

Ultimately, it was determined that repair of their existing municipal buildings wouldn’t be possible. This has now provided a unique opportunity to develop a ground up new municipal complex that will feature modern facilities and serve as a anchor in the city’s center.

The complex will house a new city hall, police department and fire department. The space includes offices, a courtroom, flexible meeting space, fire fighter sleeping quarters, a police patrol room, evidence room, and storage/records rooms. The goal was to provide both ample dedicated space for the specific departments, along with shared flexible space that can be utilized as needed by the difference user groups within the complex.

Lastly, a important addition considering the tornado event that started this project, the complex will feature a community safe space open to the public.

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