Bethel University Paris Campus

Project Details

Paris, Tennessee


Bethel University


Healthcare, Higher Education


Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Civil Engineering, MEP Engineering, Structural Engineering

Team Members



Bethel University and the Henry County Medical Center (HCMC) joined forces to construct this new 45,000 square-foot satellite campus across from the HCMC main hospital in Paris, Tennessee. The Bethel University Paris Campus serves the university’s health sciences students and provides 30,000 square feet of science labs and classrooms devoted to providing students with hands-on training spaces to practice their skills.

In addition to the dedicated educational spaces, the east side of the campus is a 10,000 square- foot HCMC Diagnostics Center. This facility offers pre-admission testing services, including EKG and Lab services. Imaging equipment included are a 20-slice CAT scanner, a 1.5T MRI Wide Bore and two Ultrasound machines. The facility also houses a designated women’s center offering Digital Mammography and Bone Densitometry.

By having the medical space co-located with the core educational space, students are provided a unique opportunity to complete their clinical training on-site.

Additionally, the campus includes a 5,000 square-foot common lobby and a pedestrian bridge over State Route 76 to safely connect the campus with the main hospital building.

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